Does your university have representation in Latin America?
The global pandemic forced everyone to slow down and change track. As with any crisis, this brought great opportunity for international officers to strategically evaluate past actions and make future plans. Have you updated your strategy for engaging with Latin America?
Many international universities have someone responsible for Latin America. In fact, sometimes taking care of North and South America falls into the job description of just one person. We don’t suggest that this is impossible, but we are confident that we can make your job easier.
We suggest a strategic plan for Latin America rather than a one-size-fits-all approach. Do you lack the resources to fully action your strategic plan for Latin America? Maybe it is time to consider in-market university representation. If students don’t recognise your brand, how do you expect to be noticed in an event with scores of other international universities?
Representing your university in Latin America, SOS puts a face to your brand in the region. The stakeholders know us well, and trust us. And, trust is fundamental to any business in Latin America. We closely accompany our clients to develop brand building strategies, and worthwhile student recruitment activities. With SOS in-market representation in Latin America, your brand can be ever-present in a range of markets.
Let SOS Education Consultancy help you to identify the best path to follow, and be your face in Latin America throughout the year. We will recommend the best time to send a team to visit. We will also ensure all logistics are covered to ensure a worthwhile mission. We will give you access to the key stakeholders in the region.